CategoryQuantum Computing
KeywordsQuantum computing, noise mitigation
Current development stageTRL2 Technology Concept Formulated   


Quantum computers and quantum devices can perform outstanding tasks, but with great power comes strong sensitivity to noise. Presently noise is the key bottleneck in the performance of quantum devices. Combined software-hardware protocols could help to mitigate the noise without compromising the quality of the device.

Our Innovation

By making a unique propagation sequence of the quantum circuit, the researcher has been able to successfully clean any expectation value from the leading order of any Markovian noise. This allows for the method to retrieve the expectation value of the ideal noise-free evolution.

  • No assumptions on the noise in the circuits.
  • No scalability issue, the size of the circuit makes no difference.
  • No classical computation or special circuits are needed. No computational cost.
  • No scaling problem. The method works for any system size as long as the noise remains weak or moderate.

Current stage: Working computer program algorithm and supporting simulation.


As quantum computing options begin to be introduced to the marketplace, this noise canceling method can increase its value to the industry. The method will remain relevant even when hardware improves, since a physical reduction in hardware noise will open the way to more demanding applications where again the noise will the major bottleneck.

The group is interested in sponsored research and industrial partnerships to advance the technology towards applications in quantum computing.