
  • There are hundreds of drugs targeting cancer, that together with drug combinations make the numbers staggering. Nevertheless, the current practice is testing a drug (or drug combination) that was effective in a tumor type (first line) followed with successive lines of therapy, multiple clinical trials, each enlisting hundreds of patients bearing the same tumor type, yet far from identical tumors.
  • Multiple attempts at better prediction of clinical response were (and are still being) made.

Our innovation

  • A novel and personalized method: NanoCode for identifying the optimal anti-cancer treatment, through simultaneous detection of unique tumor sensitivity to multiple drugs or drug combinations in a multiplex manner, combining in vitro in cancer cells, in  biopsies or in vivo in the patient’s body.
  • Viral clones and/or organo-nanoparticles are loaded with different specific drugs and drug combination, turning the particle (such as virus) into a nano delivery tool. After injection of the nano particles various calculations were carried out to see which of the candidate drugs /combinations was most effective in killing cancer cells. 


  • Drug efficacy found by trial-and-error procedures.
  • Personalized medicine: identification of the more suitable treatment for each patient.
  • Time saving: our method can instantly identify the best drug fit.


  • This novel technology aims at identifying what drug/drug combination is suitable for each patient: instantly identifying the best fit.
  • This method could be used to prescribe their treatment to millions of cancer patients around the World.