Water pollution is an acute problem. Several methods are currently being used to treat contaminated water that has organic waste as well as bacterial waste. Most of the techniques are based on oxidation using e.g. ozone, photochemical methods, photochemical catalysis, Fenton chemistry or a combination of oxidation and ultraviolet radiation, adsorption and biodegradation. The existing methods has additional limitations such as low effectiveness, hazardous intermediates creation, system’s complexity and cost, long treatment times (days to months) and high costs.

Our Innovation
Novel industrial process for polluted water treatment based on a unique proprietary protocol for the generation of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals.

  • Simple and inexpensive engineering system.
  • Highly efficient treatment.
  • Handle a wide range of pollutants including organic materials, industrial solvents, drug residues, pesticides and bacteria.
  • Short processing time (between few moments to several hours).
  • No hazardous byproducts are formed.

The process is effective for both high and low pollutants’ concentrations ranging from thousands of parts per million (ppm) to several parts per billion (ppb). The process end-products are: water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and carbonate salts. All intermediate products and final products of the pollutants were identified.

Simpler, cost-effective and more efficient waste water treatment. Same for Industrial effluents treatment.